Monday, September 22, 2008

playing the building

i know i didn't post a whole lot this summer, because i've been working on a very important, and BIG, Secret Project. more on that later. but i did have a few noteworthy adventures. i took mr. smith on a surprise outing to visit David Byrne's beautiful installation, Playing the Building, at the Battery Maritime Building. i love old, decrepit buildings, and this one isn't normally open to the public. we had to sign a waiver saying we wouldn't sue if anything injured us! mr. Byrne rigged up an organ so that each key was connected by wire to a specific part of the building, and by pressing the key you could 'play' the building. don't i look like a vruoso up there? it was especially cool after having seen this awesome (and unrelated, but totally connected) documentary about the extremely inspiring Evelyn Glennie.

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