Thursday, August 31, 2006

yarn, skirt and bouquet

i finally did some spinning this week; it's been way too long since i sat at my wheel. i need to use up some wool if i plan to let myself go to sheep and wool this year! gertie just thinks my handspun makes a nice squishy bed...

and i finished the patchwork denim skirt i started in ohio. this one's for me to keep, and i've already worn it several times.

i don't normally buy cut flowers because i'd rather grow my own (one day!) but i got these from my CSA and they have made me so happy this week every time i walked into my kitchen. if you don't know about Community Supported Agriculture, it's a beautiful thing: you're buying a share in a local farm's bounty for the season, thus supporting local small farms which are an endangered species. every other week (i got a half-share) i pick up a giant bag of organic veggies, fruits, eggs and flowers.

1 comment:

siriusspace said...

that yarn looks ammmmazing! didya spin that all yourself? got any to sell in treehouse*? btw, what a sweet sweet treehouse post. ur officially my fav blogger of the day!
blowin kisses from the trees,