i don't know what it is about crochet. i mean, it's one of my two favorite pastimes (along with sewing) and i find it incredibly beautiful, fun, creative and satisfying. it is also one of my favorite subjects to teach, and the first craft i taught back at my shop in 1999. but for some strange reason, very few people ever sign up for my crochet classes! (i would take it personally, but since most of my other classes sell out, i don't think it's me). knitting classes always seem to fill, but crochet is the outcast stepsister. figures i'd be drawn to it ;n) i do have some theories about this, but it's truly still a mystery to me. any thoughts?
i have a crochet class starting tomorrow (monday 11/10) at Brooklyn General, that would have been cancelled if not for the heroic p.r. efforts of the fabulous Lulu, who's already taking two other classes from me, patternmaking and sewing 102. she single-handedly brought the number of students from one to four, and for that i am very grateful. thanks Lulu! if you'd like to join us and learn to crochet, the shop is closed tomorrow so you won't be able to sign up by phone, but feel free to meet us there by 6:30 and we'll register you.
there's also another session of sewing 103, pants beginning on tuesday. see all the details here.
it's not just you. i had a hard time filling the classes i taught last month, too. maybe crocheters are super DIY and don't want any help? :)
I don't know why crochet is the under dog, but I love crocheting!
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