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did anyone else see the 10 minutes of crazy snow we had in nyc two weeks ago, it must have been the 17th i think (just uploaded my photos today...)? i have never seen anything like it: the flakes were like feathers, or leaves... they were HUGE, like 1-2" across, but paper thin. i know the photos don't show it very well, but the best clue is on the roof in the lower right corner of the photo on the right: those white things ARE THEM! i think it must be a good omen...anyway, i am back from cleveland. had a lovely, cozy, snowy, cookie-fueled holiday with the family, and now i am in the throes of packing because i MOVE TOMORROW! i can't really believe it myself; the past month has been a blur with craft sales, traveling and packing, but it's really happening. can't wait until the 1st, when i can crash and stay in bed all day ;n)

my latest project for CraftStylish is the simple, snuggly cowl. they're so easy that you can whip up a bunch as last-minute gifts, or just make yourself a variety, in an hour or so. cowls are great for using up your knit scraps! i'm looking for ways to stay warm on my winter farm adventure, so i plan to make one in every color.

last week was 'Guy Week' on CraftStylish, and we were supposed to do projects that would be good gifts for guys. this was due to the most common gifting crisis amongst crafters polled to be: what to make for men. at the very last minute i came up with this simple hoodie, which i'm kinda proud of because i've always felt i could never make clothes that a guy would actually WEAR. i had to show it to the recipient, in order to have him model it for the photo (on my dress form it doesn't look very manly!) and he pretty much hasn't taken it off since.

ok, so remember how the highlight of last year's Craftacular was when a certain someone bought one of my dresses (the one i secretly hoped no one would buy so i could keep it myself, to be exact)? well, all year long i have regretted not having the nerve to ask for a photo as evidence. fast forward to this year: i made four new dresses in this same style, and decided to keep (and wear) the one in the same fabric as that one. now, it occurred to me, what if she sees me in it, would that be weird? what if it didn't fit her? what if she wants to RETURN it this year? then i thought, of course i'm being silly; she probably doesn't even remember that dress and won't even notice if i'm wearing it! so i went ahead with my plan and first thing in the morning, as we're setting up, one of my table-mates (was it siri? or nan? the moment is a blur...) points out to me that SHE IS WEARING THE DRESS TOO!!! i couldn't believe it! she had a cute apron/pinafore thingie on over it but sure enough, it was my dress, and we were twinsies! i ran over to show her, and wittily quipped, "we should have called each other!" and she told me she loves it and wears it all the time. unbelievable! i was pretty much beaming all day thanks to this. and this time, i got proof!
on sunday i will be carting my wares over to the biggest, baddest mama of all the nyc holiday sales: the 2008 BUST HOLIDAY CRAFTACULAR! you don't want to miss this one! come early to beat the crowds and score a goody bag (first 500 in the door). last year the line was around the block, so i'm not kidding! i will be next to treehouse and raeburn ink so come out and support ;n)there are a whole slew of other indie sales this weekend; pop over to the SAPLINGS blog for listings.also, here's some shop news: FREE SHIPPING on everything in the hodge podge farm shop (within the US only) today and tomorrow, december 12-13. shop now or forever hold your peace, as i'm dragging it all with me to the sale on sunday so your favorite item may not return! i have also reduced prices on a bunch of stuff so check out that SALE section asap.
ok, that's all for now. back to the sewing machine!
i've got just a handful of classes left to teach before i skip town, so if you've always wanted to take one, these will be your last few chances for a good while...
tonight, i'll be teaching a FREE embroidery lesson with the masterful flor of feeling stitchy (who did the adorable holiday pieces above) from 7-9 at the Madewell store in SOHO, 486 Broadway (at Broome). 
Holiday Applique Workshop at Brooklyn General
Wednesdays 12/10 & 17, (two 2-hour classes) $90
Whether cute and whimsical on children's clothing, classic and elegant on home furnishings, or fantastically avant-garde on a bag for you, appliqué can transform all kinds of projects. You'll learn three different hand-stitched techniques and apply them to your own, perhaps holiday, project. Materials: for first class session, all supplies will be provided. For second session, you will need a base fabric (or finished item), appliqué fabric (felt or other), embroidery floss, and needles for your own project.

EMBROIDERY @ Treehouse
Sunday, December 7th, 5-7pm, $50The lovely Cal Patch is back in the trees with her fabulous embroidery skills and that loveable sidekick Gertie too. In this one session extravaganza, you'll learn 12 classic embroidery stitches and be off and running to custom-decorate everything you own! After making a basic stitch sampler, Cal will help you visualize planning your own personal project. All supplies included ...including tasty treats!...Stitch away!

Thursday, December 11th, 6-9pm, $60
Just in time for the holly-day madness, treehouse's own Cal Patch is hosting another beginner's crochet workshop (aka BOOTCAMP!), and there's a couple of spots still open! in just one session, you'll learn all the basics needed to make a scarf or a hat for you or someone you love. wouldn't it be swell to give a handmade treasure or two this year? there's still time! but don't delay.. get your hooks ready and sign up today! (supplies can be purchased at treehouse, or you can bring your own...)
just in case you're not yet convinced, here are 101+ MORE reasons to buy handmade this holiday season (and forever!) brought to you by the bursting-with-good-handmade-things poppytalk.mine is #105, and i think they're still adding...
remember the other day when i mentioned that, when buying handmade, you could be someone's first customer? well, i've got two suggestions if you'd like to make that happen!
my delightful friend (and sometimes model) erika somogyi is an extremely talented artist, and she has just opened an etsy shop called Erika Since 1977 (which by the way i think is a brilliant shop name!). so far she's posted some hand-sculpted jewelry and salt-n-pepper shakers; i can't wait to see what else is in store!
another artist whose blog, little yellow birds, i recently discovered is joetta maue. she was recently lamenting on her blog about the lack of inspiring job opportunities out there for recent MFA graduates, and i (among many others, i'm certain) suggested she start an etsy shop. and lo and behold, just last week she did! visit Bird and Bear and you'll be glad. i find her work beautiful, touching, and funny. joetta was included in today's etsy Finds, so act quickly...both of these makers, as of writing this, have O sales listed in their shops. i remember how that feels! but YOU could be the one that makes them into official Etsy Sellers!