- one thing i had written on that list was to push myself to utilise my skills beyond the very simple capacity that i had been sticking to for years. i am quite proficient at sewing, crochet, and patternmaking, but tend to be very lazy about challenging myself beyond the simple projects that come naturally to me (usually focusing more on the special embellishment effects that are added on last, rather than planning and executing more complicated styles from the beginning). drafting new patterns, making PANTS, and incorporating some freeform into my crochet are all ways that i have expanded my own parameters this year, and i look forward to continuing this process in 2008. a bonus is that my repertoire of classes has expanded as well!

- another goal i had set for myself this year was to start contributing patterns/projects to magazines. this is one of the steps that will allow me to achieve my dream of moving upstate, as it is a way i can earn income that does not depend on being here in the city. this year i developed 4 patterns for Crochet Today, did one sewing project for Cutting Edge (which sadly ceased publication before my piece was used) and another sewing project for Adorn. not bad!
- my two major selling events, Renegade in june and Craftacular in december, were both smashingly successful: i exceeded last year's sales by 100%. i attribute this to having fewer styles offered, with wide selections (all one-of-a-kind of course) in each style. in the summer i sold lots of sun hats, sleeveless tops, leggings and cotton wraps, and in winter i sold woolly wraps, tunics, crochet hats and dog sweaters. in the past my assortment was just a variety of one-off pieces which i think is harder for people to digest, especially in the context of an overwhelming craft fair!
- i extricated myself from a very unhealthy business relationship, which had been dragging on far too long, and though at first this freaked me out a little (it had been my biggest source of income the previous year), i quickly found several new ones that are infinitely better. i now teach at 4 venues in brooklyn, all so different from one another, and i love each and every one dearly: treehouse, brooklyn general, home ec, and the etsy labs.
- in november of '06 i joined the Greenpoint YMCA, after years of saying i didn't believe in gyms because they're so unnatural and i'd rather be hiking on a mountain, hoeing my garden or building a fence to get exercise. well, aside from walking, which i do a lot of but not nearly as much as i used to, the fact is that there are no mountains, gardens or fences in new york and we do need to USE our muscles in order to keep strong and healthy. so i'm proud to report that i am still going an average of 4 times a week, either to a class (step, yoga, or pilates) or to use the elliptical machines and weights. and i am much stronger, leaner (20 pounds, actually!) and fitter than i was a year ago.
- my proudest and most exciting accomplishment of the year is something i still feel superstitious about announcing, but as soon as the details are a bit more concrete you all will be the first to know!