a couple of years ago i found two amazing treasures at one of my favorite flea markets; they were crocheted yokes which were used for camisoles like the top left photo, and sometimes nightgowns. i thought they would be really cool to use in a modern way, like on a printed blouse. but, as with most things i find 'precious', i tucked them into my secret trove of special doilies and vintage delicacies and there they have sat. but in january the thought occurred to me that maybe i could find more of these little jewels on eBay, and lo and behold, i was right! i have become a little obsessed with collecting them and probably should stop, but each is more beautiful than the last and i have promised myself i will give them second (or sometimes first) lives and not let them sit around until someone buys them at my estate sale when i'm an old lady! i am sort of fascinated by how many there seem to be floating around, and often they appear never to have been sewn into a garment at all. apparently they were quite the pastime for Victorian (?) ladies as there are also TONS of pattern books available for these same yokes. and i can't help wondering, what would happen to them if i weren't 'rescuing' them? i kind of feel like i am saving them from an eternity of being wrapped in tissue paper and stored in drawers and attics!
and just to prove that the universe has somehow selected me as the Unofficial Saviour of Yokes and Doilies, twice in the past month i have serendipitously received unsolicited offers of some of these very specimens! thanks, dear amylou and ann; some of the pieces you sent are in these photos, but i'm starting to mix them all up...
these are some doilies i have found to use as new stencil designs. so look out for all of this stuff in the new spring hodge podge collection sometime in april!
wow! these are lovely but your addition to them will make them lovelier!
I had a dream the other night that you were going to turn my bathrobe into an awesome jumper outfit. I think a tie was to be involved, like a school uniform? But really I have one word for you: BLOOMERS!
oh my goodness, i'm so jealous of your collection! these are beautiful.......
looking at the pictures first without reading the description, I thought you had made them into lingerie! They kind of look like little naughties! That would be an interesting use.
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