my lil' noodle is 9 today! she is my best buddy, faithful sidekick, muse, PR department, fit model, bedwarmer and so much more. she makes me smile or laugh every time i look at her sweet face. and she just LOVES to have her picture taken! i don't know what i ever did without her. (you can click on any pic to see it bigger).
happy birthday gertie!!
happy birthday
love your buddy coleman
Oh girdle gertie darling darling we love you so much...even lucia and lala (they are just confused by your radness) you can curl up on our pillow anytime honey!
i could just scream! I love Gertie! and I love her snuggling with a giant cat!!!!!
it's really been 9 years!
i can't believe it.
i love you, you tiny little sweetie.
happy bday
debra and lambchop
Kal, it's Sheryl! I miss Gertie! I'm so glad Paul told me about this. She's the sweetest little dog ever and you're so lucky to have each other. Happy Birthday, Gertie!
awwwww I love these photos!
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