next tuesday i will be teaching a hand spinning class at the etsy labs; if you've been wanting to learn how to make your very own yarn, come check it out! for some fun visual inspiration and to get you in the mood, take a look at my favorite spinner pluckyfluff...
Class: Hand Spinning
Date: July 10th, 2007
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Etsy Labs, 325 Gold Street 6th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
If you've been crocheting or knitting for a while, you may be getting the itch to make your own unique yarns. Spinning with a drop spindle is compact, inexpensive, portable, and a great introduction to spinning on a wheel! We will learn how to prepare raw fleece by carding, and spin it into a singles. Then we'll ply it to make a balanced 2-ply yarn and wind it into your very first skein!
Students will be required to bring the following materials to the class:
drop spindle (can also be borrowed or purchased from instructor for $12)and 1 oz. wool roving
There are only 8 spaces available in total so sign up quickly!
Class fee is $40.00
click here for more info and to register!
i think Plucky Fluff will be doing a camp at Brooklyn General in January! let me know if you want me to hold a spot ;)
oh wow, that is the best news EVER! i have been dying to go to one of her california camps but never seem to make it. can't wait!
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